What is pilates?
Pilates is an exercise method designed by Joseph Pilates which focuses on breathing, alignment and muscular endurance. Pilates develops strong and flexible muscles, whilst reducing muscle imbalance and the likelihood of injury.
Regular practise will improve posture, movement, balance, core strength, joint integrity, range of motion, muscle recovery, circulation, body awareness and mental focus.
Who is pilates suitable for?
This amazing technique is for everyone. Pilates is suitable for early teens, seniors and everyone in between. Athletes and dancers love pilates, as do pregnant or postnatal people and those at various stages of physical rehabilitation. Osteopaths, physiotherapists and general practitioners are recommending pilates to help recover from injury as its low impact approach is safe for rehabilitation.
Be in control of your body and not at its mercy.
— Joseph Pilates
Benefits of pilates
The benefits of pilates are endless, as are the physical needs for each individual. Every person should be placed in a class suitable for their needs, fitness levels and goals.
Common problems that occur from Pregnancy and childbirth are Diastasis Recti, prolapse, separation in the symphysis pubis and pain caused by a widened pelvis. Regular pilates exercises will help greatly with postnatal recovery and the return of the abdominals to their normal state. Urinary Incontinence is a common problem that can often be cured with pilates based exercises and natural supplements. Pilates helps Scoliosis when those who have it often suffer with over-stretched muscles on one side and tightness on the other.
Athletes, dancers and sports enthusiasts will notice the benefits of pilates; how it enhances their training and prevention of injuries. Many people report that they become stronger, longer, leaner and more able to do anything with grace and ease.
Marilyn looks fantastic but she wouldn’t get away with this in Pili-Pala’s classes. We love her laugh but her head and shoulders aren’t on form. You wouldn’t be allowed to get away with it, you will be guided in our classes and by the time you are ready for this exercise ‘Open Leg Rocker’, you will know how and what to do with both.
Core strength is the foundation of pilates. The core muscles are the deep, internal muscles of the abdomen and back. Regular pilates will train and strengthen the core muscles so that they’re strong enough to properly support the spine and improve movement. As you develop your core strength, you develop stability throughout your entire torso. This is how pilates famously helps people overcome back pain. As the trunk is properly stabilised, pressure on the back is relieved and the body is able to move freely and efficiently.
Why shouldn’t I watch pilates videos on Youtube?
Pilates is an exercise dedicated to correcting muscular imbalances and dysfunctions. A pilates instructor is there to guide you, encourage progression and provide appropriate interventions or modifications specific to you.
A Youtube video will not know your fitness level, range, specific needs or if you’re in pain. Without a trained instructor present, you are more susceptible to injury. If exercises aren’t carried out correctly, muscular imbalance will increase which can result in immediate injury or more serious long term problems.
The technique is specific and not easy to learn. As a beginner, you may find it boring or are unable to feel your muscles working. This is because pilates focuses on engaging your internal muscles, which takes time and proper guidance to feel and see the benefits.